Tuesday, June 4, 2013


ya que se trata de vacaciones. ¿ha encontrar un lugar para visitar?
Tengo una idea, conozco un lugar hermoso, relajante y aventurero :)

Palawan, Filipinas (Región 4)
Puerto Princesa
09 ° 30'N 118 ° 30'E
Información adicional:
Las islas de Palawan tramo de Mindoro, en el noreste de Borneo, en el suroeste. Se encuentra entre el Mar de China Meridional y el Mar de Sulu.

 Cuyo Island es una clase de cuarto municipio de la provincia de Palawan, Filipinas. Según el censo de 2010, tiene una población de 21.847 personas. Su territorio comprende la mitad occidental de la isla de Cuyo, así como Bisucay, Caponayan, Cauayan, Imalaguan, Lubid, Manamoc, Pamalican, Pandan, Ronda, y las islas Quiminatin, todo forma parte del archipiélago de Cuyo.
Beachfront area of Quijano Beach

Cuyo es la ciudad más antigua de Palawan, que tiene una cultura propia y se ha mantenido durante más de 350 años. Durante la colonización española de las Filipinas, Cuyo se convirtió en la segunda capital de Palawan 1873 a 1903.

Qué hacer en Cuyo Island:
you can visit some beach and historical places in Cuyo Island

View of Bisucay Island from Tabunan Beach
Pier structure at Tabunan Beach facing Bisucay Island

Ruined ships at Capusan Beach
Beachfront area of Tabunan Beach
Interiors of the Cuyo Fortress Church
Quijano Windsurfing Retreat

Facade of the Cuyo Fortess Church

El Nido se encuentra a unos 238 kilometros al noroeste de Puerto Princesa, capital de Palawan. El Nido está bordeado por el Linapacan Estrecho en el norte, el municipio de Taytay en el sur, el Mar de Sulu, en el este, y el Mar de China Meridional, en el oeste. Bacuit Bay se compone de 45 islas e islotes, cada uno con sus propias características únicas. La mayoría de las islas en El Nido tienen bolsillos de playas de fina arena blanca y calas - perfecto para tomar el sol y picnic para llevar. Dentro de algunas de las islas de El Nido son antiguas cuevas con formaciones de estalactitas y estalagmitas fascinantes formados por millones de años de erosión por la acción del agua de lluvia que gotea en las grietas y cavidades. En otras islas, tramos de muros de piedra caliza esconden un mundo de lagunas tranquilas.

Visit now !!

The unrivaled beauty of El Nido has had an enduring allure to nature enthusiasts. Here are some of the islands that may be visited around Bacuit Bay, in the southwest coast of El Nido.
Cadlao Island
Cadlao Island has the highest peak among the islands in Bacuit Bay, with a height of 609 meters. It is notable for several pockets of quiet beaches, hidden lagoons, and its lush forest cover.
Cadlao Island
Cudugnon Cave
One of the highlights of the island-hopping tour, one must crawl through a hole to enter the main cavern. This in turn leads to a smaller cavern which is believed by archeologists to be a burial site during the Neolithic period.
7 Commands Point
This beach is a popular destination for picnics.
Dibuluan Beach Club
From within the comforts of a beach club, a variety of experiences awaits in Dibuluan. Relatively small and low, this island can be hiked to the top for a great view of the inner Bay. The trail is along a coconut grove, bamboo thickets, and banana shrubs, and ends in a small mangrove forest. At least two patches of reefs may be enjoyed by divers and advanced snorkelers. Activities offered are snorkeling and water sports activities.
Cudugnon Cave
Dilumacad Island (Whale Island or Helicopter Island)
Shaped like a cooking ladle when viewed from the top, and like a slumbering whale when viewed from the sea, the beach on Dilumacad is a venue for packed lunches during chartered trips. Snorkeling and swimming off the island is excellent.
Entalula Beach Club
One of the most romantic spots in El Nido, Entalula is magical because of its pristine beach with bent coconut trees, and the colorful marine life in its coral reef. Activities offered are snorkeling, diving, water sports activities and rock climbing, at certain times of the year.
Mantinloc Island
Matinloc is a local term for “beautiful,” It boasts of two spectacular snorkeling areas: Kalmung Point and Kulasa beach. It is also home to Secret Beach, which is accessed by snorkeling into a small opening through the rocks.
7 Commands Point
Miniloc Island
Miniloc boasts of several natural attractions, among which are:
Big Lagoon
One of the more popular snorkeling spots in El Nido, it has deep emerald waters and is frequented by sea turtles.
Small Lagoon
Reached through a crack between rocks, the small lagoon is enclosed by towering marble walls. Don’t miss the “private” pool in the innermost part of the lagoon.
Pinasil Island (Cathedral Cave)
Pinasil has a cathedral-like cavern within its confines.
Entalula beach
Tapiutan Island
Further out of the bay facing the South China Sea, Tapiutan’s rich marine life provides for excellent scuba diving and snorkeling.
Vigan Island (Snake Island)
Located near Pangulasian Island, it is commonly called “Snake Island” because of a fine natural sandspit (s-shaped sandbar) that “snakes” off its shores. The sandspit appears only at low tide. A 5-minute hike to the top of the island leads to a view-deck.
For more Information: http://www.elnidoresorts.com/elnido/


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